Selasa, 17 November 2015

Strength Training Workouts for Losing Weight

Strength training workout contain with daily workout and also simple moves like push-up and sit up. There are moves that need tools like weight lifting, so generally strength training workouts is type of workouts allow you using free weight or weight machines.
Strength training workouts need more than just discipline for achieving your goal, but also a strong commitment because all efforts you need while working for this type of workouts will not get to waste.
More workouts and Training Tips, follow:
Usually people doing strength training workouts for bigger purpose than just losing weight, like building an abs, muscles  and many more knowing strength training workouts is also stand on the list from one of tough workouts type. Because it takes more energy than other exercises.

These are moves from strength training workout for people who want to losing weight:

1.       Squating
This moves will giving more strength to your tendon muscle and make your thighs getting slimmer. You can done this move with holding two barbles in both of your hands and moving them up and down from your waist up to higher position from your head.

2.       Single leg dumb-bel row
This move needs chair or high table for you to holding on something while you lift your left or right leg to and let only one of your leg hold your body. Make your body in to straight horizontal form while you lifting a barble in one of your hand. This move will give more strength to your back muscle.( Read also: 1200 calorie meal plans)

3.       Dolphin plank
This move has similarity with push-up but it is not your hand’s palm that holds your body but your elbow and your are not lifting your body like push-up’s move do but you only raising your hips and but that make it look like how dolphin jumps-up from the water. this move will give you more strength for your shoulder.

4.       Superman
Lie facedown with arms and legs extended, toes pointed, palms down. Inhale while raising arms and legs as high as you can and exhale your breath slowly while you getting back to start position.

You can do all those moves at home for about 45 minutes to 1 hour every day. Dicipline and focus are basic rules for strength training workout. Dont cheat your self and build strong commitment while you doing strength training workout.

Dont forget to warming up first and cooling down after that to preventing you from hurt your self while training.

Senin, 16 November 2015

Paleo Diet Food List for Paleo Diet Program

Paleo diet is a diet where you are not allowed to eat junk food and instant food. Here are food list you can eat while you doing paleo diet program:

1.       Meat - Paleo Diet Program
You can eat many types of red meat, but choose it wisely, you have to avoiding a part that contain with a lot of fat. Red meat you can are eat beef meat, pork and lamb. You also allowed to eat chicken meat and turkey.
Get another Tips about Paleo Diet Program at
2.       Fish - Paleo Diet Program
Fish you can eat for paleo diet are mackerel, tuna, bass, salmon, sardines, swordfish and trout, these fishes are fishes that contain with a lot of protein and omega. Other thing you can eat beside fish are clams, lobster and shrimp.

3.       Vegetables - Paleo Diet Program
We can say vegetable is main dish for paleo diet. You can leave vegetable for any kind of food  you are going to eat while you are doing paleo diet program. Either it’s just for side dish, but you still have to eat vegetable for vitamins suply. There are easy type of vegetable for you to find as you paleo diet food list. Those are tomatoes, eggplants, brocoly, carrots, cucumber, green onions, mushrooms, onions, pumpkin, radish and many more. Well let’s just say you can almost all kind of vegetables for you paleo diet program.

4.       Fruits - Paleo Diet Program
You can make fruits as you healthy snacks for your paleo diet foods list. You better choose the fruits contain with fat and carbo so you will stay full longer like avocado and banana. Fruits with a lot of vitamin c are also important for being your paleo foods list like strawberries, blackberries, tangerine or other passion fruits.
5.       Fats, Nuts and Seed - Paleo Diet Program

Paleo diet also needs food that contain with healthy fat coming from natural food. Fats are important to give you energy and other nutritions value. Those fats you can consume are avocado oil, butter, coconut oil, olive oil and macademia nut oil. For nuts there are almond, cashews, hazelnut and macademia nut. For seed there are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pine nut and pecans

Minggu, 15 November 2015

Outdoor Exercise Equipment in Your Home

If you have a small space but large yard at your home you can take these equipment for outdoor exercise experience. There are many types of outdoor exercise equipment that suited most for outdoor exercise equipment.

These are the Outdoor exercise equipment:

1.       Chest/Back press
This equipment is the one you have see the most at the park or at gym, this machine work by moving your hand back and forth. This workout equipment help you for getting back muscle and your biceps.
Follow another tips about fitness at:
2.       Hand Cycler
Like you cycling with your foot, you have to cycling it with your hand, both of them. You can do that in standing or sitting position. It works for you who want slimmer arms or getting bicep muscle for your arms

3.       Elliptical
Work out with your own weight as your burden is the best work out experience. Elliptical help you with that, where you have to move your legs and hand like running and your hands the one that pulling it.

4.       Parallel Bars
The way it works by lift your hand onto it then lift your body, this equipment usually only as tall as your waist. Like elliptical machine, this outdoot exercise equipment is training your self with your own weight.

5.       Recumbent Cycle
It will work your legs and making you get slimmer thighs. You only have to sit down and you legs like cycling.

6.       Upright Cycle
If recumbent cycle with sitting position, these exercise equipment needs you for standing while cycling with your legs.

7.       Trapeze rack
This workout equipment is totally the best one for outdoor exercise equipment, you usually see this as military training tool. You move your body from one rope to another one only by hands.

The other outdoor exercise equipment are jumping rope, chin-up bars and captain chairs.

Rabu, 04 November 2015

1200 Calorie Meal Plans for Losing Weight

1200 calorie meal plans now is a trend for losing weight these days. For someone who always busy with their works and don't have much time for doing some exercise can apply this kind of diet. You still able to eat some good and tasty meals but the different is, you have to control you meal’s portion, it have to 1200 calories for a day start from breakfast, lunch and dinner. (Read: 10 Best Protein for Weight Loss)

But something you have to know, 1200 calories meal plans doesn't mean you only eat something like junk food or sweet snack like candies, chocolates and chips up to 1200 calories. You need to fill your stomach with nutrition, vitamin and protein.

So how is it works?
It easy, for 1200 calorie meal plans, you can divide each of your meal times at 300 calorie food for on your daily meal times. (see also: Abdominal Exercise Equipment )

300 calories for breakfast.
·                     You can eat Baked beans on wholemeal toast with spinach
·                     Boiled eggs with Vegemite wholemeal toast soldiers
·                     Scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast with avocado
·                     Wholemeal toast with cottage cheese, sliced banana and cinnamon
·                     Baked eggs with spinach, feta and wholemeal toast soldiers

300 calories for lunch.
·                     You can eat Wholemeal pita pocket filled with tuna and coleslaw, or chicken, zucchini      and ricotta
·                     Chicken, salad and wholemeal crackers
·                     Vietnamese rice paper rolls
·                     Chargrilled eggplant and pesto toastie, made with wholemeal bread
·                     Roast beef and salad sandwich on wholemeal bread
·                     Eggplant, capsicum and ricotta wholemeal wrap

300 calories for dinner
·                     Sticky barbecue beef with shredded slaw
·                     Wholemeal tuna spaghetti with lemon and cherry tomatoes
·                     Chunky vegetable and chickpea pie
·                     Baked crumbed fish with sweet potato wedges
·                     Ginger salmon stir-fry with Chinese broccoli
·                     Lamb cutlets with spiced rice
·                     Korean vegetable pancake
·                     Basil and walnut pesto spaghetti with roast tomatoes and pumpkin

The rest is for your snack time. For your snack time, don't waste it with some snack contain with high calories, like drinking cola, eating some fried fries or candies. Use it for eating some healthy snack like fruits which contain with high carbo, like banana and avocado. ( Visit also: )

Selasa, 03 November 2015

Abdominal Exercise Equipment

Abdominal Exercise are useful for building the abdominal muscles. This workout capable to improving performance for other sport, losing weight, and back pain. Doing Abdominal exercise regulary will increase strength. (Read: How to Create a Healthy Weekly Meal Plan)

These are perfect equipment for abdominal exercise.

1.      Adjustable Sit Up Benches
You can find it in any gmy you ever came, because this equipment is one of the oldest type fitness equipment. These days Ab benches can adjustable your position even better, like we can increase and decrease the angle of the board. You have to choose sit up manchines which is long to avoid strains and injuries.

2.      Ab Wheel
This fitness equipment is one of the toughest. You have to be careful for training your self with this tool because it will really drain of yourself. How to use this tools is really simple you only have to drag it just with your hand like push-up positition drag it to back and forth. (Read also: Tips to Losing Weight With Healthy Meals )

3.      Bar
Might sound so simple and dull but it can be really usefull for exercise and the most suited enogh for building some abs. You can do chin-up exercise with bar for your arms strength.

4.      Stability Ball
An exercise ball is not a well-known exercise equipment for abs, but with the help of it we can do various efficient exercises because we have to control do motion more, it helps to train abdominal muscles better. With the help  of stability ball we can do common exercises such as sit ups and crunches more efficiently and safely.

5.      Roman Chairs
Roman chairs capable to make your waist slimmer, strong lower back and back pain.

Important thing you have to know if you are still beginner you can not focus to your abdominal muscles and neglect  lower back because it will lead you to back pain, bad posture and other injuries. (Visit our website: )